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Kinematic - Dreadbox FX

Aug 29, 2024

The Kinematic by Dreadbox FX completely surprised me with its versatility.

I got this on a wimp. I just wanted to try a Dreadbox pedal and this popped up. At first, I thought it’s outside of my wheelhouse. An auto-wah for funky licks.

What I found after diving into it: it’s much more than just an envelope filter. It can be a cocked wah, a spanky compressor and a character drive.

I’m especially partial about the character drive part. To me, this screams guitar sounds from the more recent Queens of the Stone Age albums.

It can get this honky and throaty frequency response. Combined with the sponginess of the compressor and drive, this is perfect for sounds from Villains and In Times New Roman…

Signal Chain


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