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Nouveau Riche - Freqscene Effects Co.

Jul 16, 2024

The Nouveau Riche by Freqscene Effects is rodent-inspired distortion pedal with a few cleverly implemented features.

The distortion circuit is enhanced by adding a voltage doubler to the power supply, which increases the headroom and dynamic range of the pedal. The LED clipping diodes make it punchy and loud when pushed hard, but it can also be dialed back for a more subtle overdrive sound.

The VOICE control adds some magic sparkle to the upper mids. You can use this to either add some bite or to smooth out the distortion.

The +/- switch comes in extra handy. You can either cut bass and make the guitar sit really well in a mix, or add extra low end for a fatter guitar sound. On the + mode, it really shines on bass guitar.

Signal Chain


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