Snow Day Delay - Summer School Electronics
The Snow Day Delay by Summer School Electronics blew me away … like a blizzard in Antarctica.
I can’t rave enough about how cool this delay is. It strikes the perfect balance between being a useful, simple to control delay and delivering wild, creative, lo-fi sounds.
It has a few simple controls to set the dry/wet mix, the amount of repeats and two knobs for delay time that can be set independently. And then there is the blizzard mode which I’ll explain down below.
First, in simple mode, where you can just switch between two different delay times via foot switch, it gets interesting already. With the repeat knob, you can set clean, fast decaying delays or gritty, degrading, long lasting repeats. At around 3 o’clock on the repeat knob, it starts to self-oscillate.
In blizzard mode, the pedal has two ways to make the two delays interactive:
- Blue light is on: Both delays run in parallel. You get interesting textures and polyrhythmic patterns depending on how far you set the delay times apart.
- Yellow light is on: Delay number 2 controls the delay time and both delay chips are running the same time. This makes the repeats distort and degrade faster at lower repeat settings.
Playing around with the Snow Day Delay is super addictive. There are a lot of possibilities to get creative with this device. I love how intuitive, yet surprising it is to create sounds with it.
Recording Notes
Main Arpeggios
- Fidelity Guitars Stellarosa Lite II (Lollar Firebird bridge pickup)
- Palm-muted
- Keeley Compressor Mini
- Snow Day Delay
- Strymon Iridium (chime mode)
- Slightly panned to the left
Second Guitar
This guitar enters after the first 8 bars.
- Fidelity Guitars Stellarosa Lite II (Lollar Firebird neck pickup)
- Keeley Compressor Mini
- Snow Day Delay
- Strymon Iridium (chime mode)
- Slightly panned to the right
Fake Tremolo Picking
These two guitar lines set in at the end of the loop.
- Fidelity Guitars Stellarosa Lite II (Lollar Firebird both pickups)
- Calamity Drive
- Snow Day Delay
- Strymon Iridium (chime mode)
- Panned left (lower octave) and right (higher octave)
- JMJ Mustang*, tone 100%, Fender Flats, played with pick
- Keeley Compressor Mini
- Calamity Drive
- Strymon Iridium (round mode with bass IRs)
- GarageBand Drummer Gavin (indie rock) on the Brooklyn kit
- Medium compression
- Kick and snare treated with RAT-style distortion from the stock GarageBand plugin
The whole mix got “mastered” with slight use of exciter, limiter and compression.
- Get detailed specs on Summer School Electronics' website
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