
In these blog posts you'll get back-to-back comparisons of similar pedals and neat tricks and tips for getting the most out of your gear. Each post will have some sort of interactive demo widget because sound says more than any of my ramblings.

What is the Best Bass Distortion Pedal?

Jun 30 2024

I love using guitar pedals on bass and experimenting with finding the "magic sauce" for a great, gnarly, distorted bass tone. Often, when…

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6 of the Best Harmonic Percolator Pedals

Jun 09 2024

Famously used by audio engineer and guitarist Steve Albini, the Harmonic Percolator is a unique distortion/fuzz pedal that has a very…

fuzzharmonic percolatorfuzzy distortion
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What is the Best Velcro Fuzz Pedal?

Apr 05 2024

If there is a specific tone that I crave for my personal setup, it's velcro fuzz. What is velcro fuzz? It's hard to describe and one of…

fuzzvelcro fuzzgated fuzz
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How To Sound Like Touché Amoré - Flowers and You

Mar 10 2024

Touché Amoré's "Flowers and You" is a great example of a song that excels in two specific tones that guitarists Clayton Stevens and Nick…

shoegazetouche amoresound like
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What is the Best Transparent Overdrive Pedal?

Jan 17 2024

We've heard it all before: transparent overdrive, clean boost, amp-like overdrive, clean drive. But what does it all mean? Let's find out!…

overdrivetransparent overdrivetubescreamerklonblues breakerlightspeedblues driver
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How to Set up a Shoegaze Pedalboard

Jan 13 2024

Shoegazers use effects pedals in unconventional ways to create beautiful noise rock. In the demo widget above I've put together a small…

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Best All-in-One Shoegaze Pedals

Jan 09 2024

Shoegaze is a music genre that's all about creating beautiful but aggressive walls of sound. It should make you wanna close your eyes…

shoegazedistortion + reverbwall of sound
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Best Plexi/Marshall-Style Distortion Pedals

Jan 08 2024

Classic rock guitar tone is almost synonymous with the sound of a cranked Marshall® Plexi. Unfortunately, cranking a Plexi is not always an…

pleximarshallamp in a box
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How the Strymon Iridium can be Awesome for Bass Guitar

Mar 16 2022

I recently got my first bass, a JMJ Mustang Bass. I needed to find a decent sound for recording bass without breaking the bank. I was…

amp simcab simbassownhammer
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Big Muff Shootout

Nov 19 2021

I love Big Muffs. Whenever I hear a band with a fat or sustaining guitar tone that I like, it's very likely that the guitarist is using…

big muffdistortionfuzz
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Delay Shootout

Aug 31 2021

I was fortunate enough to have a bunch of delays at hand and I compared them. From simple to highly adjustable, there is a pedal that…

delayambienttime based
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Modulation Shootout

Aug 30 2021

In this shootout, I'm providing some side-to-side comparisons between multiple types of modulation effects. There are phasers, choruses…

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Overdrive Shootout: Compare Blues Driver, Morning Glory, Plumes and Many More

May 15 2021

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a TubeScreamer, a Klon, a Bluesbreaker or any other overdrive? This is the shootout…

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Amp in a Box Shootout

Apr 26 2021

Amp in a box pedals are great for when you want the sound of a pushed amp, but can't really push a real amp. They are also a very nice…

amp in a boxalways onjfetpreamp
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